Spooning With Parched Palms
a banquet of butterflies flutter ~
by her seaswept hair so bonnie. ~
sunshine and freckles fly free from the sky, ~
illuminating blue eyes, ~
dotting her suntanned skin. ~
a sailboat serenely knocks against the chiseled shore. ~
tartan cloth passionately charmed with cheese and wine. ~
pink blushing beach, a twinkle in his smile wants more. ~
his teeth bright as teeming waves of love’s moon shine. ~
picnic at full thrust ~
naked footprints rake through sand ~
soft music spellbound ~
chantilly lips on blitzed neck ~
seaside spooning with parched palms ~
It’s All About Four/Sponsor: Broken Wings
Crystalline, Kimo, Quatrain, Tanka forms