Fundamentally speaking love strives to keep death alive,
It is the means to an end,
And the end to a beginning
Its touch defecating,
Subconsciously & Physically
Like the revelation you feel,
When unknowingly true love
Is kissing your lips
As all kisses, once sweet
Now blisters,
Purged from your lips
Fundamentally speaking love envisions creation
Now visualize the rhythm of void,
To the point of death
In blissful union
Like Man & Woman
Creating a creation called life
It is a creation of thoughts,
Fundamentally speaking love sparks these thoughts
Think and Speak of these thoughts now,
And see the color of death
Holding an undying Sensuous
Feeling as its Exploding
Like of me and you
Or you and her
And her with him
It is a feeling of the most intense
Let your mind wrap and shape around
The thought, that truly accepting death
Is a means to understanding life?
Fundamentally speaking love does NOT cower, before death
It simply kisses it, and gives it another life.