Spread Love, Peace, Joy of God
God’s love for all
Grand blessing
Share, give!
God’s compassion…
Spread freely
Prince of peace
reigns with love’s bliss
Trust Him!
Mercy and truth
That’s peace!
Show love…
…Live loving…
Reap love-filled grants!
Be happy!
Enjoy God’s love
Let peace rule...
…upheld by love
Love-peace venture...
...faith at work!!!
Thank God!
*Ephesians 6:23 Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Haikus with 4-3-2, 3-4-2, 2-3-4 syllables
October 13, 2018
1st Place, "Charlieku 4-3-2" Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Charles Messina; judged on 10/22/2018.