Spreading Happiness
S hare your love along the way,
P ray for others every day,
R ejoice and always be gay*,
E ncourage in what you say,
A ppreciate straightaway,
D onate your time, stop to play,
I nspire with your word array,
N urture goodness and display
G rin radiant, cheerful sway,
H ug when needed, fears allay,
A ssist the aged in dismay,
P raise, positive traits portray,
P romote peace, elders obey,
I nvolve in good works, per se,
N ourish love, be that bright ray,
E mbrace differences, yea,
S erve humbly, be kind alway,
S mile and problems go away.
*gay - happy
21st March 2023
For Anoucheka Gangabissoon's "Spreading Happiness" contest