Spring Bacchanalia
Spring's alluring flowers with succulent juices rill
Perfumed dander from scented strands doth spill
Sweet aroma into the parched atmosphere to distill
Twirling Daisies, Buttercups the fawning meadows frill
Swiveling Dandelions in field's pleated fabric congeal
Caressing Violets 'neath the woody ridges kneel
Fondling Honeysuckles cloak fencerows in dale and hill
Baited bees insatiably the sugary orifices drill
A virile syrup from savory serum to mill
Vintage, solar-fired incense; with wanderlust carefree
minds fill
Olfactory ducts incite, turning the hormonal wheel
Vernal Lover's the intoxicating fumes freely swill
Aphrodisiac tonic to harden each paramour's quill
Fragrant pheromones stimulating maidens' mating zeal