Love Poem: Stage Fright
Roses Roses Avatar
Written by: Roses Roses

Stage Fright

I need to rehearse but just the thought of needing to rehearse makes my anxiety erupt 
So, I'll wait for the volcano to subside before I rehearse
Then the days before the show Benjamin my buttons so I have no choice but to shift gears
Even procrastination has a watch
Repetition ages from minutes to hours and I'm actually having fun
Regret shakes my hand and says you don't have to always wait so long
And before I know it the day of the performance is here
It's showtime the stage is here but my astro projection hears nervous thoughts from the crowd over there
It's me over there, my name is called, my spirit then walks into my flesh 
Meeting at the mic, then my voice and legs shake stealing from the earthquakes 
Then my heart sings songs of poetry that gives me wings to float over nerves, reality, pain, hate
It all goes away when I kiss the mic, I'm reminded that there is such a thing as love 
I become one of the purest forms of self with room to grow
Impossible becomes invisible when I see the mic 
A p.s. ends my date with the mic and I tell the stage I have to let go of her hand
But this won't be my last stand
Because I speak for my younger self and those who haven't spoken 
A long exhale tied to a sigh of relief  
I think I was holding my breath
I'm tired, what is my stomach in the mood for
Treat yourself, you accomplished and beat your fear today
Two bites and five minutes into Netflix I'm snoring
After a show my body totally shuts down
My eyes don't just sleep
Then I reset my mind to get ready to do it again
p.s. art is having courage to create and share, not how well you can stay in the lines...