Stand Alone
Stand Alone
It stands alone all day long, diffident and so cold
Its shadow bares nothing, but a dark haze on the ground
At night it freezes
Nothing gives it warmth
It begs, it cries for some new rebirth;
Nothing towers over it,
Or cries for help down below
Oh, there is nothing
It only stands alone
Its base and roots are covered with rocks
Above it, there is only sky
Far in the distance it tries to see
But everything is a blur;
The wind blows it,
And the snow covers it,
No birds dare to touch it,
Nor any men try to chop it
Its leaves fall alone;
As this sad tree
Stands alone
His cordial heart is so full
It cannot give too much more;
The love of his life he adores
He calls her at night
When he’s all alone
He tells her his fears
And she can almost make them gone;
In his dream he sees this tree
And always asks himself,
“Why me;”
The fear covers him
This love is crushing him
All this while they have grown
But now he sees hey may only
Stand alone.