Love Poem: Stand Beside Me
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Written by: Julie Cottingham

Stand Beside Me

I look beyond the here and now
The sides and in-between
The way we were, the way we are
The way we've always been

My soul mate stands before me
Your shadow steps into mine
I pour the nectar to the glass
Speak my mystic rhyme

Spellbound I had you from the start
Spellbound you'll ever be
Potions, spells and magic wands
Crystal ball that I may see
Disperse the smoke and clouds of grey
The cotton wool of life
I said back then as I say today
I love being your wife

You take the words from my mouth
Stole them by a kiss
Saying 'yes you have me spellbound
But the true chemistry was this...
I cast this spell we're bound to
It was me, with my magicians tricks
Unveiling a spell of magic you say..
I'll grant you one more wish

One more wish that I may ask of you
what more do I need?
My heart is so full of loving you 
There's not room for it to breathe

There is something I'll ask of you
To fulfill that precious wish
You'll complete my soul implicitly
If for me you would do this...,

'Stand beside me sometimes
In-front of me when times get tough 
Stand behind me when I'm confident
Beneath to lift me up
Lie beside me when I'm sleeping
Watch over me when I don't see
And on our Golden anniversary
Recite this back to me'

Our Love needs no spells or potions
The magic is always there
Two hearts that beat in unity
A lifetime we two share.