Star-Bursting In Air
As You can See
Imagine what tis be
As Star-Bursts With-in Air
Angels Singing.. Everywhere
For tis soon
our time shall be
Gathering in the Air
with Jesus Christ
Our King..
Oh hey.. do you know
How Beautiful
tis be.. Love Shining
Of the coming of Our King
As Star Burst in air
Aint Nothing
That compares
Of How Miraculous tis is
That Jesus comes.. for His
For Time is Now..
Growing Close to be
Gone in a Twinkle of an Eye
ForEver in Eternity
Oh How Precious
It shall be..
For Souls in that time
Whom is His.. shall be..
Received Up.. into Glory
With Jesus Christ Our King
Oh do You know
How Glorious tis be
For then we all be together
Worshipping Our King
Come to Jesus
For time grows close
He is coming back for those
Whom belongs to Him
So.. If You are not yet.. His..
Don't waist anytime..
Come to Our Savior.
His Love is so Divine...