Love Poem: Star Of Love
Frances Schiavina Avatar
Written by: Frances Schiavina

Star Of Love

Passing by
on yearly round
veil of ice
or scorching 
ripping prints 
of year 
gone by
adding one
more festive 
to the birthday
cake of time
cheers of crowds
sparkling lights
fireworks booms
coloring sky
popping corks
jubilee sounds
glittering hats
masks and smiles
all on earth
by life united
like clock hands
when midnight
at the banquet
feast of time
mercy gift
from on high
time to shed
rags of habits
for a garment 
of light
circling same 
with unfolding
love surprises
New Year first
lit in Bethlehem
Holy Night
Anno Domini
zero time
Life of life
light of love
guiding steps
to eternal joy