Star Watching
I am such a moon struck human
(who swallows lots of cumin)
but stars, they have their way
(a potter throwing clay)
of making souljumps proper
Like hippie Dennis Hopper
I calculate recourse (after said divorce)
from unsung heroes gaunt
who still think they have, and flaunt
what they don't have but wish
for Ponce de Leon's kiss
or a deal with Devil Jaunt...
just what I'm speaking of...(is maybe truth thereof)
the rings of Saturn deep (within swirl patterns neat)
a wanton cherry bowl...with pits extracted whole...
a-rousing house of cards, that make buildings out of shards
of old lives brought anew
like Merlin and his crew...
to reach the sword from stone
be it together or alone
I challenge you tonight
and offer you Unite
an offer you can't cajole
for it remains open to yr soul...
so reach for fate and pull
to see if it's yr will
to be the King (rrr queen)
of kingdoms unforeseen
wherein we sleep to rest
like babies on the breast
of mother nature's nurture
I'm the seeker - yr the searcher
of peace and finality
of grace and serenity
of water calm and warm
of honey from the swarm
I lay to sleep this nye...and wish for you to join...
with me, the moon, and night - a slot with dropping coin...