Stars of Clarity
My heartbeats saunter from one place to another
Not caring if they leave behind
A messy canvas, not even worthy
Of being called a child's drawing
My heartbeats care not of the image they leave
They care solely for the words
That they imprint upon the soul of Earth
As a memento of the time I spent upon it
Being either in love with existence
Or with one of its children
In whom I saw a reflection of my muse!
But the nighttime, laden with magic
Create music, so elevating
That stars dance,
To clear the fog from my gaze
And to bid upon my perception
Clarity of thoughts and soulful insights!
My heartbeats belong to the God who
Holds my heart as carefully as He can
In between the palms of His hands
My heartbeats create swells in my human body
As my God caters for my heart, fills it with flowers
And waters it with His love!
Stars of clarity remind me of this love
Each time I glance up at them
And wistfully smile at the beauty of my
Difference and my resilience to remain
Faithful to my God!