Start Over
Sitting here all alone,
The silence crawling in.
Just waiting for the telephone
To ring it's dreadful ring.
To hear your voice on the other line,
To hear you say you've made a mistake.
"I'm coming home, everything's fine,
I didn't mean to cause your heart to break".
You promised me you would call
When you got things all sorted out.
Do you miss me at all,
Or are you glad you got out?
Are you coming home to be with me,
Or is this the end?
Do you just want to be free
And not have to pretend?
That everything's going to be okay
And we just have to deal with the stress.
I wish you hadn't walked away;
Together, we could sort through this mess.
You're not the only one
Who's been through a lot.
How can you just say we're done
When I feel that we're not?
Come home so we can figure this out,
So we can stop the pain.
I promise not to shout
If we can start over again.