Statement of Faith
Jesus was in His Father's bosom
In the beginning and was the Wisdom
That framed the world and created creatures.
Jesus walked with man in the cool of the day,
Until man sinned and traded life for the Tree of Knowledge.
They saw that they were naked and full of shame.
Jesus was sent from His Father's bosom
And planted in the womb of the virgin, Mary,
By the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus was baptized by John in the river
And received the power of the Holy Spirit
After he was tempted forty days in the wilderness.
Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom
And healed the sick, raised the dead
And drove evil spirits out of those possessed.
Jesus was hated by some religious leaders
And betrayed by one of his own with a kiss;
He was abused and scourged beyond recognition.
Jesus was crucified on a cross between thieves
And did not call on Heaven to rescue Him from death.
He died for our sins and the Veil of the temple was torn.
Jesus was pierced in his side by a Roman soldier
And His blood and water flowed for all to see.
His body was prepared for burial and laid in a tomb.
Jesus descended into the depths of Hell and preached
To the souls in prison and led captivity captive.
He took the keys of Death, Hell and the Grave.
Jesus does not want these Keys to be used against you,
So He took them that they may have no sting or victory.
He rose from the grave in three days with all power.
Jesus showed Himself to many Believers for forty days
And told His disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit.
He commanded them to make disciples of all men everywhere.
Jesus ascended on a cloud back into the Glory of His Father,
And in like manner, He shall return to receive His Followers.
He will catch away all those who love Him at His coming.
Jesus has prepared a place for each of them found faithful,
And forever they will be with Him and will see His face;
He will give them gifts and pleasures from everlasting to everlasting.