Stay At Home Mom
Oatmeal stained pants
milk stained rug
1 diaper pail full
6 bottles to scrub
Switch clothes to the dryer
3 more loads to wash
background music: Miss Spider
the least annoying to watch
Time for lunch
"airplane" makes you laugh
I smell something awful
Time for a bath
too many toys for one tub
but they keep you entertained
while I get the job done
All squeeky clean
time for a nap
But surprise!'re not tired
How about that?
Back to the kitchen
dirty dishes to wash
background music: Yo Gabba Gabba
the most annoying to watch
Full time, over time
every single day
complete infinite tasks
on a zero dollar pay
But then I look over
and catch you smiling at me
Somehow thats worth more
Than any check will ever be