Stay In the Game
Living alone, Sometimes happy, Sometimes sad
Don't have near the stuff I had
My Mom and Dad have passed away
All my children have moved away
My wife lives with another man
Still doing the best I can
Sometimes fall asleep early, Leave on the lights
Sometimes I stay up all night
Been all over the world, England, France, and Spain
Had a lot of good times
Had times of pain
Life with everyone has Highs and Lows
Somethings Fast Somethings Slow
Wish I could turn back the hands of times, See my parents one more time
More things change they remain the same
Feels like life is one big game
Sometimes you lose. Sometimes you win
Sometimes you don't know The beginning from the end
Sometimes you're cold Sometimes your Hot
Sometimes you Push Sometimes you Pull
Could always be worse Could always be better
Life changes all the time, Just like the weather
Somethings change and change a lot
Somethings I remember, Somethings not
Sometimes you laugh, Sometimes you Cry
Sometimes your Low, Sometimes your high
When it comes to Smartphones I'm really dumb
Now Video games I can play some
ReallY, Really can't wait for Fall
Love just Love to watch Football
Don't like Hockey. None at all
Don't drink any hard stuff, Beer, or Wine
But coffee and sweet tea all the time
Love little kittens, pups, and plants
Can't stand mosquitoes. flies. or ants
Some people like hunting others fishing
Some people spend their lives just a wishing
Some people fish with hooks or nets
But one Thing for Sure we should Love our Vets
Some people are Gay, Bi, or straight
Some people are poor, Not a lot of Wealth
What difference does it make
If you're true to yourself
If you have a job, Big or Small
Whatever you do Give it your all
Guess we are all different
And a lot the same
Just remember one thing