Staying Power
Consider I am just a man and of declining years,
And one of hundreds you will know though life's a veil of tears!
In love, you reap what you have sown, just one page in a book,
Investments always post a gain, no matter how they look.
Look! No return's still lesson gained, a clear notch on one's belt,
And failures never matter much, though loss quite keenly felt!
Real friendship tattooed on your soul! Real joy escapes the grave;
A gift you share is always yours, though you may be a slave.
So, leave your mark on all you touch, largess is never stain,
What those you aid get from your help should never be your pain!
Don't be a victim of intent; a gift deserves no rent,
Or rush to judge the ones who fail if your aid gets misspent.
Long Tooth
May 15, 2018