Love Poem: Steadfast Honeysuckle
Crystol Woods Avatar
Written by: Crystol Woods

Steadfast Honeysuckle

They fell in love,

through the doorway of the eyes, as their souls
 communed. Silently, they speak in the language
 of soul and spirit. 
    Glimpses of this cadence, seen and heard 
in the plaintive hum and lamentation of 
bow pulled across strings, then pushed across to 
ground us in this world again.
    Soft drops of cool Summer rain drip from the clouds
 above, playing the land like a piano. 
    Tender, swollen lips meet no resistance.
 Each kiss wet with the slow, heavenly waterfall.
    Their passions stir, eyes, lips, hands
 caressing body and soul. Their tight embrace
 is not nearly close enough. They long, yearn, 
to become one, to complete the soul puzzle. 
    A warm wind picks up, pushing the rain sideways. 
Somewhere a lever is pulled with great strength
 and the skies open. The rain pounds now with
 the force of great war drums, forcing the
 tall green blades of grass to bow down in adoration. 
     As if they too were grass, knees weaken 
with need. They fall gently to the earth still in 
each others arms. 
    A frenzied feeding to match the rhythm of rain, 
on lips, tongue, and burning skin.
Thunder sounds, so close. A brilliant flash of lightening
 turns everything into a negative. As if God was
 preserving this moment of purity with a photo. 
Oh, how they fell in love!

    Rising, rising, reaching, giving themselves 
fully to the other. They become one. Singular in heart,
 body, and mind. 
    Bliss and peace was their youthful playground
 until they were cruelly separated by duty. 
Him, taken away, so far away, to protect family
 and freedom. 
    Anticipation became an addiction sustaining
 them…wishes, prayers, hope, and always love.
    Pleasure anticipated but never realized builds 
walls of bitterness and anger. She, a prisoner, 
her sorrows so consuming the air became thick 
with its black smoke of grief.  
                She couldn't breathe.
    Some say she wasted away, others that
 her heart just broke into a million pieces. 
Now, they lie together in the field of tall grass
 where they first held each other in love's embrace.
    A large pink honeysuckle grows there,
 the curving trunk rising up in an embrace 
resembling the two young lovers. The image
 made by a flash of lightning so long ago, and 
displayed with righteous pride. 
    Never losing its pink and white blossom
 through every season and storm, it remains 
steadfast as its roots gain nourishment in the soil 
of true love.