Steal the Kiss, By Wily Means
Steal the Kiss, By Wily Means
She had just turned 17 and I had loved her since she was fifteen!
She had long, long dark brown hair, was prettier than newborn pups and had a smile that melted my heart!
Softest voice in the world and a genuine love for caring for others!
I was a year younger and very shy but we had over that two year time talked often .
I could tell she liked me but I was too afraid to mess it up by going too far too fast.
And there it is folks, that 'ole fear that holds so many back--fear of rejection and/or of messing up a good thing. When one thinks the treasure is or could be theirs one day they are careful not to blow things. And often being too damn careful is the culprit that blows it all to hell.
As things progressed(ever so slowly) I noticed this gorgeous girl had no boyfriend and had turned down cold those that had boldly asked her out ! That had to be a sign she had somebody else on her mind!
To play it safe I began a long range plan . To get the curious cat I told her I had two big secrets I could never tell anyone in the world! I brought this up every time we talked and finally she started asking me to tell her!
That was exactly what I wanted yet I played it out a few weeks more. Until finally I knew she was bursting to find out.
My Pandora plan had worked like a charm.She was in a tizzy to find out those secrets!
Then the time came.. We were alone in her backyard, no soul about other than we two. I mentioned my secrets again.
She begged me to please confide in her.
Thats when I did it , tripped the trigger so to speak. I boldly declared it will cost you for me to tell.
Without missing a beat she asked , cost me what?
Eureka! I knew the bait had been taken ! I then very shyly said it is embarrassing for me to say what. She persisted .
I then said , ok, will cost you a kiss! She was surprised but took it in stride. She then said ok, if thats all I'll do it!
But only if you tell me the big secrets. I agreed to that and suddenly she planted a big one right on my lips,
putting a lot into it as she hugged me !
Like finding a pot of gold, I was suddenly a billionaire in love..
Then it came-- what are those secrets?
I smiled and said this, first one is -"I have been desperately wanting to kiss you for two long years"!
She laughed and then asked, "and the second secret is"?
I came back with this, "and I was wondering if it would as great as I imagined it would be"!
"Well, was it she shot back"? I could only nod like a red-face young fool.
She was floored methinks. She blushed and then came the sweetest gift of all. She grabbed me and kissed me long and hard!
She then laughed and said, " I have been waiting for you to make the first move for a long, long time. What took you so long"?
Thats when it hit me, fear of losing, fear of rejection sho' makes a lot of people lose out on a lot of time! Time that could have been put to much better use!
Later that day I apologized for my tricking her into the kissing deal.
She then shocked me by her reply.
"I was sure it was something about you and me, most likely that you wanted for us to be a couple, go steady or yes even kiss.
I played along(--get this folks--) because I did not dare act too fast with you because I did not want to lose a good thing"!
Thats when I found out, when it comes to love , the gals are light-years ahead of we guys yet even they succumb to fear!
Fear can be a good thing but far too often it holds us back. Facing that fear and conquering it should be a well practiced policy
in life. Lucky for me that I later put that all to good use. As I had a great longing to date "almost" every beautiful and sexy gal I met ..
But that story is for another day.
Note: As promised from my first narrative here is the one about the stolen kiss.
I use the word stolen but really it was only a bit of wily planning on my part..
Later found out the pretty gal was smarter than I on this stuff..