Steel Silk and Thunder
Steel Silk and Thunder
You ask me to condense this time, you say –
You ask how well I can squeeze and squander all
This day.
These thoughts are days and weeks full with moments
Stretched across the sky.
I see this all too clearly, how your will is brought
How unrelenting love can be; it drives the eyes
To see such fury – such wondrous spinnings in
The void; all one seeks chases now in folly;
This word appears again: Folly.
For foolish is the cover source of eye to shield.
All simple bleak remorse and cannon content
Bleeds within; a sleek sliver of truth confines me this
Moment; this baleful, primordial day’s mourning;
Oh, God I have loved thee so, I see you in the
Trees and skies, yet all slips through my hands
In measure; all is lost in fleeting pleasure – in
Movement, in matter of fuss and confusion; in
All I see amid horizons forming nothing, but
This must be as it is this day –
I accept your dimly wrought decision.