Stentorian In Our Hearts
The song still reverberates
with a clarion call to everyone
love as its predominant cry
embodies the message of being human.
It’s also what the gospel says
in Christ the Lord, our Model,
who always tells his disciples
love God and one another.
An act of charity or act of love,
shows already what God is all about;
through him we become part of his kingdom.
However, a radical response implies,
especially at the major crossroads
when we don’t get along well
with our companions or friends in our lives.
To love our enemies can be hard
when our vulnerability is hurt
and even tested in a number of times
It’s really a test of faith, a challenge indeed.
St Luke in his gospel says, ‘love your enemies,’
‘pray for those who mistreat you,’
involves a huge amount of renunciation,
emptying and saying , ‘all for the Lord.’
Pride causes everything to get crippled
from within where the heart dictates us
never mind and ‘bury the hatchet now’
because God himself did it himself for us all.
Like those crooked lines deep within us
are lines that depict envy, hatred and anger;
through our efforts and God’s assistance
we can straighten them in a gradual way.
The historical figure of Christ,
our measure in today’s world;
he’s the compendium and source of all
that love we share to everyone.
Stentorian means extremely loud