Still a Man
Im just a man , I throw my hand's up -
Im just a man , I put my hand's down -
Im just a man , I stomp my two feet on
this earthly ground -
Everything , I do is the size of a man's shoe -
My whole life is tougher than bruce lee and his
ancestor's kung - fu -
They say , we don't think with our brain , we think
with our penis -
Well , they just don't understand ; unlike the woman
who as a child had to clean us -
Our feeling's do hurt and we cry just inside -
Just like any other heart our's feel what they 've cried -
Im a man before i put there war boot's on -
Just like a woman we men to have need's to talk to our
father in heaven on the phone -
I love as love is meant to be -
I fall down at the right time to give that special woman
my one knee -
Strong as strenght is in my hand -
Remember , Im still a man -