Still Haven'T Forgave Myself
I know I was to blame for the pain you felt
I'm ashamed for what I did
I never expected you to forgive
Because I still haven't forgave myself
Let's take a journey back to when I was 17 years old
I didn't understand how much pain tears hold
We'd been together about a year and half, got together just after my Dad died
I didn't feel a loss, as he wasn't there, but you were by my side
We started off slow and fell quickly
You said you'd do everything to help fix me
Depression had me hostage, and I was scared of you
Because you gave me love I'd never felt, and I cared for you
We ended up arguing about something or other
I walked out, went to the pub and started looking at another
I went back to hers, and cheated on you with a complete stranger
Was it pain?, sadness?, stupidity or anger?
Whatever it was, there's no excuse for me cheating
I wish I could go back and undo my biggest mistake
I wanted to make you happy, but ended up being the reason you were bleeding
I can't believe I caused you heartbreak
I hope you moved on and found love with another
I hope you give them a chance to get to know you
For what I did, do not make the next man suffer
They may be better than I was at 17, and they may show you
I've never cheated since, as I believe in being faithful
But 17 year old me was stupid and didn't know better
We weren't even on a break like Ross and Rachel
If he knew I'd do this, I don't know why Cupid put us together
Karma caught me, because I've been cheated on since and I deserved that
I've always wished I could take all of the hurt back
This was 8 years ago, so I hope you found peace and realize you weren't to blame
I know it's years too late, but I'm sincerely sorry for causing you this pain
I know I was to blame for the pain you felt
I'm ashamed for what I did
I never expected you to forgive
Because I still haven't forgave myself