Still In Love With My Wife
Still In Love With My Wife...
My son came to me with
a question on his mind.
I said; “Not now son—
I just don't have the time.”
He said, “Daddy—are you still
in love with Mommy?”
“Do you love her like you did when
I was in her tummy?”
My eyes choked with tears;
“Yes son I really do!”
“I'm in love with her...
and I appreciate you.”
“Daddy—will you always love
me like you do mom?”
“Yes my son—my love for you
will always belong.”
I looked down and much to my surprise.
There were tears running
down my son's eyes.
He came running to me with arms wide open.
“Thank you daddy” were his words spoken.
I picked him up and gave
him a great big hug.
As I let him down, on my shirt I felt a tug.
His little arm reached up to grab my hand.
I knew that what I said,
he began to understand.
I love his mom so much—my wonderful wife.
She's been such a blessing-
a great part of my life!
By Jim Pemberton