Stolen Glory
People believe in evolution beyond the shadow of a doubt
Happy with the solution thinking science has all the clout
They never investigate in following blindly down the road
I'm saying wait, for in you the wrong seeds were sowed
Only man has this trait that there is nothing at all owed
It's laughable at best for no proof has ever been found
For it failed every test, evidence against begins to mound
From cold to warm blooded and the enormity of species
The whole theory is a dud and it even smells like feces
Darwin's name is now mud and all his work in pieces
Harsh you might say but that's not the whole story
To man's own dismay he has cut out God's Glory
Just look around you and look at Gods percision
Between what's true and what's the devil's derision
But I'll give you a clue our God made it your decision
A big fish becoming a bird a raccoon becoming a bear
Strangest thing I ever heard but so many are unaware
The stars that we can't even see He named each one
And we would never be free without the Glory of His Son
One day you will see but the believing time will be done
Isaiah 55:9
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways,
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
*What came first the cell or it's DNA
since neither can exist without the other.
We all know the chicken came first
because who would sit on the egg!
Genesis 7:14
they and every beast after its kind, and all the cattle after their kind, and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth after its kind, and every bird after its kind, all sorts of birds.
Of its own kind is mentioned over and over
and over again in Genesis.
a bird is a bird is a bird and will always be a bird.
it may become a different kind of bird that would be microevolution but it will still be a bird not a monkey or a raccoon or even a donkey. A bird.
The information contained in your DNA
Would create enough books to fill the Grand Canyon
How great is our God