Stone Cold Heart
There were never two more in love.
Their devotion was God-given from above.
Their relationship was the envy of all,
But their true love would be their down fall.
Long golden locks flowed lusciously down her back.
Her piercing green eyes left him under attack.
He could never surrender himself from her comforting arms.
Her brilliant teeth only accentuated her charm.
Summer turned to winter, and sunshine to rain.
Now, all she ever caused him was pain.
He was filled with regret when he went astray.
It was worse when she found out. Now, she'd make him pay.
She was a tornado disguised as a rainbow.
He saw right through her and decided to go.
Screaming, yelling, crying.
If they said it was easy, they'd be lying.
He saw her everywhere, although they were apart.
He tried, but couldn't recover his broken heart.
He always saw visions pf her in his dreams,
All his plans and future schemes.
Thunder bellowed as he knocked on her door.
Even after he apologized, she would love him no more.
She said goodbye and went inside.
He tried to but couldn't make himself cry.
He stood on her doorstep, unable to move.
It was his life; that day, he did lose.
She was Medusa; he was her stone.
She was a snake; she'd end up alone.