What I say.
Don't do that! Put that down!
Stop acting up, stop playing the clown!
No you can't have cake, it's 7am!
Let go of the cat! I said put that down!
Why must you insist on eating stones?
No darling, you're not a dog.
Please put down the bone.
Stop running around and making a mess,
Oh my god! That's my wedding dress!
Just you wait until your father gets home!
Please don't dial 999 in the phone!
Please eat your carrots, broccoli and peas,
Oh sod it I'll cook you Toast and baked beans!
No! It's time for bath time and bed.
havent you listened to a word I've said?!
What I mean.
Calm down little monster, time's on your Side.
I'll start counting, you go and hide.
Have an adventure! Play make believe.
You be a dragon, I'll be the queen.
Why don't we get out the glitter and glue?
Let's make daddy a picture of the stars and moon.
It's time for bed now, rest your eyes.
I'll watch over you until you rise.
I don't mean to shout, I don't always say no.
But you're growing so quickly, it scares me so.
I'll try to be calmer, I'll try to say yes.
Just keep the crayons away from my wedding dress.
Or simply...
I love you.