Stop Sign
I stare into the world
I feel the slight breeze tickle my check
I close my eyes and here the silence overtake me
I want to stay in this forever
I want this moment to last
A moment of clarity
A moment of no pain
Or hurt or sorrow
Just me and the air and the silence
Once I open my eyes this will end
I feel if I let it end
It will never return
I want to stay like this forever
I pray and dream to stay like this forever
And then at that moment I open my eyes
I feel the tear running down my face
I didn’t even realize I was sad
My eyes are blurred from the tears
I blink to see the world
I must face the world
And then I see him
I see everything I don’t want
I see everything that terrifies me
I see the hope in his eyes
I wish I had his hope
I wish I shared his love
“ You coming” he says
Then reality hits and I walk toward him
He says I love you
I say I love you back
I lie
I get in the car and see the road in front of me
I want to close my eyes again
But there’s no escape
I see the road of my life
I wish I could turn away
But we move towards the road
Towards our life
I cry in my head
But the road is still driven
And there’s no stop sign