Stories About Power and Truth
If we follow the BigBang Energy Story
told by still evolving scientists,
this is an emergent story of how stardust
becomes progenitor of sunlight,
and how our Sun becomes the Creator
of Earth's healthy fertile soil.
If we follow earliest shamans
and mystics
through their Energy Creation Story,
Sacred MotherEarth's soil,
born of spirited wealth and holy love,
is Elder RightBrain recast as Anima Mundi,
Holy Patriarchal-Matriarchal Spirit
from which all ecological First Principles,
all Gods of Positive Democratic Energy
and Goddesses of Positive and Negative DoubleFacedEnergy,
of good and evil and in-between,
then polypathically
then polynomially
emerge into EarthSoul,
Earth/SkyMother's Fertile Womb of Energy.
And all we each want to add to these Stories
are our own sensory experience,
of RightBrain sacred universal EarthSoul
of which my own LeftBrain EgoCenter
prefers to become a healthy and fertile,
nondual dipolar Part,
Ego co-arising Eco,
breathing in,
exhaling out together
as one sacred united healthy reborning
with NewerLeft-Sacred ElderRight
of interdependent Wonder,
Ego/Eco echoing Awe,
spiraling stardust octaves
of harmonic Energy.
BiLateral Energy
banging and slurping
atomizing and waving
flowing and ebbing
loving and hating
informing and exforming
cooperating and competing
our way through natural-spirited history
of good and bad humane-divine humors,
This nature-spirit history
of Emergent Energy Democracy
follows renewable stardust energy systems,
networks enabling an inclusively cooperative economy.
Democracy of AnimaMundi
invests in cooperative ecological strength--Yang
and resilience--Yin
of Earth's HealthyEnergy communities
with active growing good faith
in polypathic interdependence
cooperative non-violent and peace restorative education
within all paradigms
for healthy developing investments
in ReGenerative Energy,
and not DeGenerating Entropy.
This cooperative WinWin evolutionary model
develops mental health
and community health-sufficiency of wealth vocations,
nonviolent and nonexploitive
creolizing co-producers of positively democratic energy,
cooperatively investing all forms and functions of capital.
We each hope to share our sacred ecological development vocations
as spiritual-natural resources
for restoring Sacred EarthSoul's health,
within and without
not stuck in retributive negative energy pathology,
Together we could better discern sustainable Tipping Points
of interdependent economically healthy relationships,
and stories
and fables
and sacred deep ecology curricula
rooted in Ancient WiseElder RightBrain GoldenRule economies,
secular LeftBrain scientific humility
with sacred RightBrain aesthetic gratitude.
Emerging EarthSoul democracy of Energy
is rooted in sacred ecological vocations
for extending health care-giving and -receiving,
communicated through multicultural Left and RightBrain balancing
global and
community and
family and
personal ego-eco centers
promising natural-spiritual sacred reforesting outcomes,
reconnecting vocations
for all children
and women
and men
and transgenders,
for all workers and CEOs,
for all followers and ecopolitical leaders,
for all nature lovers
and spiritual wonderers
wandering interdependently
through Stardust's sacred spiraling waves
of better informed bilateral learning
blossoming as sacred Energy of CoPresent Awe.