Stories From the Heart
>>>>>>>>>>Most stories are true that come from the heart
Some are happy ones, where others will shred it apart.
As stories are passed down from year to year
It grows and grows until its a heavy cross to bare.
Stories have a way of revealing the past
When love will die or how long it will last.
Some have happy starts, middle and ending
Where others are erased and started over again.
Stories are told of a crime being unveiled
Where the persons are caught and taken to jail.
The happy ones i like where love never quivers
The sharing of a love that goes on for ever.
The bible tells a story about a new baby child,
Born to Mary and Joseph, so says the file.
He grew up sharing Gods love through out the land
Repent your sins now as he spreads out His hands.
He later died on the cross for the sins of this world
So a fresh start can be had for all boys and girls.
The message in this story is of love not hate
Forgive those who sin against you for goodness sake.