Story of My Life
Yesterday my parents got drunk and wasted like every night but my dad did not
Have the right to say the things that were said and did now we all have tears to
Shed. The story is simple it just goes like this my dad left the room with blood on
His fist mumbling words witch were unknown but his voice had a very awkward
Then he collapsed on the floor and I rushed into the open door. When I saw my
Mom lying on the floor I grasped her tight and said, " I can’t take much more".
Then she opened her eyes and not thinking right pushed me away and grabbed
A knife she said her life was bad and that it was only getting worse and now she
Was gonna brake this awful curse. She said she wasn’t meant to live with tears
Running from her eyes but the sad part is she never said good bye with fear and
Anger bestowed upon her face she happily cut herself out of the human race.
Grasped the knife tight as I pleaded not this way and she stabbed it through her
Heart and with excruciating pain I grabbed her tight and never let go. But what
Really caught my ears was when she told me please don’t cry, I was meant to
I’m happy and now I’m free. But how could she do this awful thing to me I loved
Her so much but now all I can do is say be kind and helpful to your parents love
Them more the anyone else and hold them tight cause it could only that one
For something to go wrong them they will be gone so please for me hold them
Tight and even give them a kiss good night. My parents were drunk as usual and
Don’t believe they meant the things they said to me, my mom was sad and
By my dad, you see it can only take one stupid mistake from someone else to
Cause so much pain, and tears will be shed and my story will go on till everyone
Is dead. I love my mom so much but now all I can do is pray that she is happy
And that I can see her again but I hope deep and within that she will be my
Guardian angel my blessing from above but all I need now is a parent with love.