Strange Design
The Oroborus of loves strange design leaves you dancing dangerously close to the edge of the outer darkness as you descend wriggling down the squirming coil. Eyes obscured by images. Eyes always searching through the canopy of flashing monitors. Ears deafened by screeching components that fire off adrenalin from over stimulated synapses. Sadistic by passion your heart pounds with each stroke of the keys. Liquid crystal luminescence drenching your skin as something alive. Organic light-emitting diode provides higher contrast, pale bodies’ shutters in the vibrational light. Your mind contesting all calculation the complexity of denial. Dark souls touch before eyes see. Creating the most intimate love carelessly transmitted through unsecure connections. Flirtation fluctuations turn moments to hours. Provisioning circuits setting the limits of rarefied rituals. Exalted idealization pushes perfection and the boundaries of reality. Darkness haunts your days forcing its way into your secrets, the sweetest insanity fill the creases. Lust drenches passion leaving no room for reason; you have been assimilated into loves strange design.