Stress and Pain
One big happy said fairytale
Take the pain and no gain
Take the slights and not retribution
Take it all in without an out.
Exploding from the inside out
In silence, crying, hurting, writhing in pain and misery
Never knowing what it’s like to be just okay
Never knowing what it’s like to have love unconditional
Hated and revered
Don’t show them the pain
They don’t understand,
You are the one that is in wrong.
Take it all
Deal with it
Live with it
It’s your fault he’s like this
You carried him
You made him the way he is.
Deal with the pain and suffering
Deal with the stress and the dirty looks
It’s always your fault
No one else’s
You should know that by now.
Take you punishment and like it
God’s listening but this is his plan
Pain and suffering for those that screw up
No love for those that dare to be of a different mold.
No salvation for the wicked souls of men
Shut it up
Swallow it down
No one cares
No one’s around
No tears will make a difference
No whining will help the cause
No yelling will change people’s minds
No matter what you do you won’t be accepted
So….why try?
Be yourself no one else
If they don’t like to hell with them
To hell with you and your self loathing