Stripping Passion of Feelings
Long I hoarded my priceless treasure of silver
coins hidden from her unsuspecting glance,
this alloy of glittering metals was a curse;
I kept it guarded as gold in a greedy manner.
If the daintiest daisy is plucked to guess the other
lover's thought, I pull off the petals of this blue rose
to undo all the delusive images embellished in prose;
isn't truth a spring from which gushes only pure water?
Once lips are kissed, a sworn promise is forever sealed;
I forfeited mine by giving her less and receiving more,
selfish heart: your guilt is the palpable beat of my sad
regret stripping passion of feelings that no longer implore.
Other women's eyes with that pretty shade of light blue won't
be a strong attraction to me: yours never fades into any sunset.