Stroke Deliverance
Stroke Deliverance
When discombobulated, Hit the Restart Button,
Restart...Happened 6 July 2011,
Now the 7th Milestone,
Dr. Cooper rescued my life before we were to Daven,
Unconscious 5 hours, 105* F., was able to say "I was Yidden",
Asked "Did I recognize anyone?",
"Yes, Barbara! My wife Lovin'!",
"Teshukos", God has No needs but Desires to Overflow for Man,
As does Barbara! Who spent Day & Night at Mt. Pleasant,
Who'd have expected? An Earthquake! What's It All Portend?,
Also Massei we read, the 42 Journeys, this was surely One,
7, "Leave Well 'Nuff Alone!", Shabbos, 1,000 Mosiach yrs., B"H "Stroke's End",
Thank you Dr. Cooper, Barbara, Rav Shuch, I'm to be still Kickin'!!!