Love Poem: Strong Point
Sara Kendrick Avatar
Written by: Sara Kendrick

Strong Point

Evasion, the dagger's sharpened strong point
Slowly has pricked love's joy until now gone
Tedious the effort to time appoint
Verbiage to one who speaks from heart of stone

Fluffy moisture laden clouds float across
the blue sky, gentle breeze stirs heart's desire
Thus love's awakening to you like dross
Intimacy through deep channels expire

Can love's embers be rekindled to flaming
hot Tabasco Sauce, open up cold heart
Let in spring's whispers of love not blaming
Uncork the closed mind to thoughts uncharted

Let not evasion of thoughts and needs trap
Reach forth and receive all from love's tap 


Just for PD
Finished May 16, 2014