I feel guilty,
For something I didn’t do,
Am lovelorn,
Hurt beyond measure.
Even after taking an oath of fealty.
The state of me being grandeur……
Isn’t there no more.
I cry like a babe!
All these bog me down,
The pressure within me,
Even the saplings will die by feeling it.
I get this treatment because of the faute de mieux in me
Am ain’t an extrovert but everyone is so gruffy to me,
Being a baronetcy is worth than this,
Gypsies are revered in a parlor at a foreign land,
I cry like a babe!
Everyone ebbs away and I cry,
Who will lull me?
With this I will be caroused each day,
The trusted people nail you at last,
I love and I get despised for nothing,
An lonely and I have ceased being lofty,
How am I ……..
Earls cry while in depression,
Loving truly and you are looked down,
My love take it slow,
Even the sun sets in paradise,
Let me cuddle my wound.
I cry like a babe!