Walking on the varied levels of sand
I stood on the edge unthinking of consequence
It gave way
No one more surprised than me
Oh yes, true thing learned:
The edge is unstable
The footing unsure
In my youth what did I care...I did not stand
I dove off the edge
and the water buffered me
fate was kind to me
Over and over and over
I was too lucky
Now the edge is a very wary place
Each foot step is measured... calculated
The stairs are to be respected
...deep reverence paid at the top
Almost holy thanks the bottom
A hill is something to be approached with concentration
No running or "are you serious?" Rolling down it?
Rocks were skipping stones upon which I showed him my carefree love
of life...daringly striding ...leaping...flinging my self out to sea
Each angle is measured, each curve assessed
Each variation in height and level reviewed...before the step
As it is with rocks and steps so too it is now with me and men
15 invitations of marriage could it be?
I live alone
Afraid of the steps
different levels of ground
the unforgiving
giving way of what one wishes to trust
The relentlessly untrustworthy
The beauty of my integrity and I live alone
Joy is my waking up and my going to bed
My toast and my coffee
Joy is my bed fellow and joy is my best friend
The ground may be uneven but my life has found its stride