Something subsides in me as i view this day anew
dreams awakening and we stare
into the eyes of those we see fit to be our equals
So fear guiding our motives though we don’t know why
and yet day to day we find a place to hide
it subsides in me to find rest in this insomnia
which ensnares me to write
and now we divide our attention to...
things which provide comfort
an ever so daunting task as to say she’s the one
but yet destroying the inner being which was once myself
so now i ask...
what is it worth?, the pain, the sorrow, simply the time of day?
or have these naive beings discovered the things...
which make us tick, make us lust for their comfort
dig deep and tell me it doesn’t subside in you as well
this feeling...
She is equal in my eyes and what myself is and was
will not change the way i view her spirit, her soul...
the essence of what she is to me..
nothing can change... my love.