Such a World Away
Most days I watch swarms of humanity float
like puffy clouds in the sky,
such zombies
we are, plowing the fields with only our feet
and watering smaller walks of life with tears
filled with wisdom, oh how we have wisdom to spare.
Even the tiniest of persons has one life to change,
whether a smile
or giggle,
we are to be reminded of youth and spirit
and lacking it when we grow old and gray
makes us die a little quicker than before.
I used to swing on trees and beg the sun to burn my skin
so I would never be cold.
So I would have the sun’s love tattooed on my body
and we were close.
Climbing to the highest branch,
one day
I fell
and met the earth and my faith in one instant
I was reborn.
Finding a hand some place close to my heart
and pulling myself from a state of mind unknown
I grew a little then and didn’t even notice.
Looking at life through a glass which enlarges my heart
I can see parasites which choose to live like worms to an apple...eating away, creating
passage ways so years of my pain can finally leak through
perhaps it will leak as far out of me and reach
To teach the truth you do not see in me.
Such gleaming lips and teeth you see each day.
and the laugh you hear
to shy away any thought of my decaying heart.
I’ve been breaking apart since the day I figured you out
and keeping all your secrets to myself.
Another tree in my life I climbed, to grow closer to the sun
but a burn to my face
and a fall to ground
I broke the bones
for you and for me,
And spent a cold summer burned.
If one were to find my soul, millionsofyears from now, fossilized in snow,
it might still have a pulse
to take
or a face to see
that these days in which we live are strenuous
on the heart
and fatal for the soul...a dying race is all we’ve become.
so much heartache in this place
And all I can do is tread above ground before I start to sink.
find my place in God’s hand and sit and wait
for someone to open the gate.
Perhaps it is warm where we go
and since love in unconditional
we will be like wells that never taste drought.