Such Is Natural Love
In keepin' its integrity
My hand against a comin' blow
Leaps up to guard my face and so
My feet, by runnin' off, foresaw
A danger that might soon befall
My body. My eyes, blinkin' tight
Avoidin' whatever harms their sight
This philosophy is all a mist to a fool
To love ones own self, one must woo
The thing that self does most require
In Plato's words is to selflessly admire,
To set our hearts on fire
By fancin' the soul and virtue of the one we love
Though vanity is the world around us not above
Which maketh virtuous men
Fall in love with their name and good end.
Love is more lasting and pure than gold,
Natural love never gets worn-out or old.
Vick Manuel Poetry {VMP}
Copyright © 2009.