Sultry Hips
You stole the bright that lights my soul
And left me drowning in the dark.
I'm left in limbo less than whole,
Without the stone to start a spark.
You found this fool at fever's height
Then bled the best right out of me.
Demented dancer of the night
Without an ounce of honesty.
Your beauty bold was bent and blurred
And found profoundly bound in pride;
A gifted goddess who endured
Her own depraved deceit inside.
My loving heart reborn in hate,
A legacy that lingers still.
My core corroded, crushed by fate
Upon my weak and weary will.
Those programmed lies, upon lush lips,
Made me believe what I conceived;
Seductive lust for sultry hips -
Corruption of a soul deceived.
I knew the day you went away
You'd find another fool to use;
A sadist slinking after prey:
Seductive strokes turns to abuse.
The fault, I found, is mine alone,
For you, my dear, were but the tool
Who threw this dumb old dog a bone
To gladly dance and play your fool.