Summer Dream
Summer dream
candy of my eye
sweet stream
gorjouse guy
love was once
love was twice
now its gone
and im all alone
tears fall
from my eye
stars fall
from the sky
loves unspelt
flowers melt
rain falls
thunder rolls
losing you
needing you
its all the same
dont say my name
wind blows
through the trees
down comes
all the leaves
heart broke into two
noticed i needed you
overflow of my tears
let go of my fears
show how much i do for you
i love you
i need you
i had you
i lost you
want you back
have to have
you by my side
all the time
please come back
back to me
i promise you
well always be
love was once
love was twice
please understand
hold my hand
love was once
love was twice
now its gone
make it mine