Summer Fever
Summer love,
Summer fun,
Summer trips,
Summer days,
and Summer nights.
Summer love is it real or lust,
how long will it last?
If it's true then good for you,
sorry if it couldn't last.
Summer love have you experienced it?
Summer fun, we all have our own ways of fun,
what do you like to do?
Camping with your sweetheart, swimming or tanning at the beach,
shopping at the malls, or relaxing at the movies.
Summer fun has many varieties, which one is your type of fun?
Summer trips are random and fun,
family, business, just because or honeymoon trips.
Trips to amusement parks, beaches, and campsites,
get away for the summer to relieve some stress,
visits to a new country or state and make lifetime memories.
Summer days you can do any thing you want,
spend the day with your sweetheart, watch children play in the sun.
Eat ice cream sundaes, go to car shows, and relax in the sun,
Go for a walk or go for a ride, do what you want, but enjoy the outside.
Summer days are perfect for listening to what people don't take the time to listen to.....the nature and life.
Summer nights are for fun and mischief,
depends on the type of person you are.
Take a walk around the block..... or two,
snuggle with your sweetheart under the stars.
If you want, go to a secret spot and skinny dip, it's your night, do what you want.
Summer love,
Summer fun,
Summer trips,
Summer days,
and Summer nights.
Do what you want while the summer days and nights are young......