Summer Lies
Kisses that melt,
anything bad away.
Touches that seize,
the very day.
Looks of passion,
followed by stares.
Baby, your love,
hit me so unaware.
Without your knowledge,
I fell so hard for you.
The love in this body,
remains strong and true.
You gave me the strength,
and the will to live on.
But the way you hurt me,
makes me wish I was gone.
I walk down the hall,
to your resting place.
Your tender smile meets me,
on that beautiful face.
Then it turns to a frown,
as you tell me the news.
I weep and cry,
for you left me no clue.
Now my heart is broken,
and its reaching out for you.
I don't know why I bother,
when it was only me-not you.