Love Poem: Summer Lover
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Written by: Edward Wraith

Summer Lover

Your words, like sun rays, warm my skin,
Each syllable a sultry touch, as I soak you in.
Like the summer sun, I feel your glowing presence,
Seducing my senses with your radiant essence.

Your scintillating smile, a tapestry divine,
Where seduction meets desire, both yours and mine.
Thirsting and feeding, our love divine.
A sweltering fusion of rhythm and rhyme.

The taste of your skin lingers on my lips,
I trace beads of sweat along your sun-kissed hips.
The scent of coconut lingers in the air,
The sun highlights the curls in your long, flowing hair.

Each breathless word, ignites a fierce flame,
My longing and your passion, one and the same.
In this summer lover’s fantasy, our hearts entwine,
Burning with a fervent fever, a summer sublime.