Summer Romance
Title:Summer Romance
By:Shaniki Smith
I hate the fall
I hate the winter
I hate the spring
But I do love the summer
that's when the summer cupid appears
Shooting love waves in the air
Yes summer romance can begin anytime of the day
Summer season are the best
It's a season when everyone seem to
meet the love of there life
First day of summer the sound
of laughter and fire works shooting off in the air
The weather forecast predicted it will
be 100 degrees today a goodtime
to go to the beach
with someone you truly love
The sweet smell of honey BBQ everywhere
Sweetness of soda pop that touches your lips
every sip that you take
That favorite summer fruit watermelon that
gently melts away in your mouth
on every bite that you take
But the most part that I love about the summer is everyone is HAPPY
I mean HAPPY
More better when you can
share this moment with someone you love
Even if it's just a couple of minutes but in that moment of begin in love it can hurt when summer is about to end
But in the summer love is unexplainable and can happen unexpectedly but it's worth the wait when it comes
It's the best season to be in love with someone you truly care about
Summer Romance
Summer Romance
It can happen
Take caution of this season
Anything can happen in the summer