Love Poem: Summer Sweet You
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Written by: Liam Mcdaid

Summer Sweet You

Shooting in the Heaven's a fireworks in this sky
To love you deeply in this world in which you gave me
You're a hot exploding star even the moon smiles on you
wishing magical dusting thoughts the soul left my body

A fairy queen dream she who smiles in sunshine rays
gently soft warm sweet sweeping emotions touch me
looking across faraway hills sparkling inner vision
falling on a star shining out blue white radiant love

Pure burning warm hot bright dazzling my eyes with deep beauty
Who shot me down in a blaze of glory I kiss the earth 
salted sea falling golden spiraling cupid's arrow 
strikes sweetest chords deeply in the heart when our two souls met

In paradise I am lost in sweet surrender 
within a summer warm dream floating sent lingering
Hawthorn bushes drifting aroma honey beautiful 
summer dream hotly melting desires holding each other

Embracing you I remember thinking thank you
most precious jewels pouring for you out of a sun 
setting teapot pours out awaiting Christmas making plans
you have made my year so golden I am in debt to love

I wrote this just posted it.  back in July i read this to someone very special it starts out in 12 syllables 13/14/14 they rise for a reason inside emotions draw