Love Poem: Summers Sparkling Journey
Panagiota Romios Avatar
Written by: Panagiota Romios

Summers Sparkling Journey

Summer’s Sparkling Journey

Swinging, sideways we two, in a striped hammock.
Green, grand,leaves that grinned, engraving our love on 
summer’s clock.

Hearts, your hands, holding our summer’s warm heaven.
Wishing, wanting, now, to be, excited and thirteen again.

Graceful,gravel beneath our soft feet at eve.
Mr. Moon's magical, romantic secret, mystery,

That desirous, tan glow on your face, ever melodically sweet.
Delicious, delightful, lips that ever so  full, did softly meet.

Secretly, did, we, like Romeo and Juliet, did in barefoot feet, 
Meet so soft.
Sparking stars, observed us, under moon glass, kiss under stars, 
