Love Poem: Sunflower
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Written by: Alice Southern


You grew a sunflower in my heart,
Which you nurtured and then left to die. 
Sometimes I feel it growing,
When we catch eyes or you walk by. 
It misses your food and water,
All sealed and signed with a longing kiss.
Now it grows dry, it weeps till its barren,
Wondering how it all came down to this. 
How you left with such pride and honour,
How you couldn’t care for it one more time.
How my prayers they aren’t getting answered,
How you left without giving a dime. 
It yearns for your love and attention,
Even though everyone says you were cruel, and mean.
It still come alive when you tried near it,
Now all it wants is to be seen.
All I want is for you to love me,
The way you seemingly did all summer.
Please come quickly back before it is winter,
Before our sunflower goes into slumber.

Although I know until then it will consume me,
I know it will never truly go away.
All I can do is sit here and hope,
That you will come back some day.